As laboratory manager for a global cosmetic company, I had sole responsibility for development projects for premium markets while working in close co-operation with marketing, production, and quality control departments.

In this role I successfully completed significant research projects. I was able to build up in-depth experience in the development of sun screens, baby care, aerosols, insect repellents, and dermatological care products for the OTC markets, biocides, and care products for men. As co-discoverer of over 350 patents I have been involved in nearly all innovations relating to the current cosmetic brands of my former employer.
I bring with me experience of company cultures and structures. As a “contract manager”, my judgement and actions are more objective than an employee who, especially during their trial-period, will tend to behave very cautiously and be influenced by company politics. Using an interim manager, questions can be approached with a fresh external view. When problems and challenges occur they can be discussed frankly and directly, meaning solutions can be achieved faster.
With an interim manager you can be flexible and use him in a targeted way, while paying only for actual working time – a win-win situation for results and the bottom line.
Are you looking for an interim manager with in-depth experience in a varying and challenging modern commercial environment? A manager whose competence ranges from technical chemical product development to the leadership of a team, and inter-departmental and inter-disciplinary communication? A manager with proven experience in implementing projects quickly and efficiently? An interim manager, a temporary member of a project team, or a consultant as a sounding board? Call us.